30th Jan, 2023
Although I employed a range of professional skills in my career as an IT consultant, writing was always key. The consultancy report is an essential tool for advising senior management on the benefits of technology including the impact on people and working practices. I wrote two influential books on the subject of electronic commerce during my career. Electronic commerce was known as EDI (or electronic data interchange) at the time. This is a reference to the exchange of trading information between the computers systems of different companies in a supply chain - such as the motor industry.
While I was focused on my career, I met my soulmate Auriel through my work in the early 1990s and my life took off in another direction. Being with Auriel was a wake-up call that activated my spiritual gifts. One of my gifts was to channel spirit art pictures and combine this with writing. I was also interested in unusual spiritual phenomena - from dowsing and astrology to mediumship and healing. Then Auriel suddenly passed into spirit and I was pitched into grief. But she returned as my guardian angel and we were able to continue our collaboration. Then I retired from IT and my spiritual work became full-time.
I have summarized my relationship with Auriel in ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’. According to this explanation, my spiritual art was exhibited at holistic and Mind Body Spirit shows. When I was channeling spirit art pictures for clients and giving readings based on these images. This happened under the banner ‘Healing Art Visions’. However, the pictures had a life of their own. Sometimes they would change spontaneously to reveal different spiritual phenomena - such as a person’s soul, guardian angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, deceased relatives and ancestors, healing energies; etc. Sometimes, I could look into an image to see someone’s lives. Sometimes, I could look into the future. Sometimes I could use the pictures as proof of life after death. Sometimes, there was an opportunity to provide healing as well.
But what are these pictures in reality? I believe they’re spiritual messengers and ‘windows on truth’. Because I was able to look into these images with my spiritual intuition. However, I was trained to use my intuition in this way through the help of my friend Jack who was extremely spiritual and an expert on Yung: the famous Swiss psychiatrist who explained how the subconscious can communicate through a pictorial language of metaphors and symbols. Jack opened my mind to the possibility of using my art as a window on this language. Then I was able to practice my new-found gift at the shows I was attending.
But this journey was really challenging, because I was doing art mediumship in a way that appeared to be novel. Moreover, much of the information that was coming through these images referred to the soul and this is particularly difficult to interpret. However, I now believe that I was being prepared for an even greater challenge – when I would work with Auriel to reveal the story of Spirit using these images.
At first, I was guided to a spiritual message in the pictures – buried so deep that it was very nearly missed. Now, this message was screaming for my attention – but an enormous amount of effort would be required to tease the truth from these images. Then I was amazed when Auriel said it was the story of Spirit that needed to be told. Now, we are working together to bring this story to life. But this is such an enormous undertaking that it has already consumed much of my life. Moreover, I have had to calibrate the findings of this story against other beliefs and opinions - even if they do not agree. I needed to find the truth whatever it was. This is a story about the spirit of truth - so that nothing less than the truth would do.
Meanwhile, Auriel and I have created ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ which is a summary of this story. According to this introductory book, art can be combined with music to create a revelation of light and Spirit. (Although this revelation cannot be guaranteed for everyone because our experiences are different, the pictures in this book can still be enjoyed without looking for deeper meaning.)