Who or what is the Spirit?
The Spirit is a person, or deity, who came from the Godhead with the light. This is an angel of the Godhead with an androgynous soul of divine masculine and feminine. However, this book has been devoted to the divine feminine aspect of Spirit also known as the Mother. This is the archetype of the Universal Mother and Goddess – the Divine Mother - who gives birth to life through her divinity.
What is the light of Spirit?
This book is devoted to the divine feminine light of the Spirit. This light is comprised of the spectrum of goddess energies that emanate from the Mother and her goddesses. This is a spectrum of divine archetypal energy which is available to all. All this light is a fundamental building block of the universe and the world. This light is a divine creative energy or power sometimes known as Shakti. This light can be experienced through the spiritual senses such as clairvoyance. It can also be experienced through the inspiration of the divinity in art.
‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ combines art and music in a creative and meditative process that encourages an awareness of this light and the Mother Spirit. (Please note: this energy called light is not the same as the physical light of our everyday senses – although they are obviously related.)
What are the names of Spirit?
Although it may be enough to focus on the pictures in this book, the following information is provided for those who wish to know more. The Spirit is a person of the Godhead who brings the light into the world and universe. According to this principle, the Spirit is one of the three principal persons of the Godhead: Father, Son and Spirit (or Holy Spirit.) However, the principle of Three isn’t universally accepted or easy to understand, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. The Godhead represents the cosmic principle of Unity or One. Then One becomes Two – which becomes Three – and so forth – as these archetypes radiate outwards from Source. (The process of subdivision is also recognized in sacred geometry and divine mathematics.) So that the principle of Three may be a natural consequence.
The Spirit has many names according to faith and belief. However, the divine feminine person of the Spirit (which is the particular form of Spirit referred to in this book) can be represented as The Mother; The Universal Mother; Divine Mother; Holy Mother; Mother of Creation; Mother Goddess; Goddess of Light; Supreme Goddess; The Goddess; The Creatrix; Parvati; Devi; etc. The energy of the Mother is the Supreme Feminine Principle of Creation. Mother is the divine feminine person of Spirit. Mother comes through Gaia as the Fertility Goddess of Nature and the world. Although her divine feminine creative energy or power (which is the light referred to in this book) is known as Shakti and the breath of life. This is also referred to as the divine energy of the Holy Spirit.
The divine feminine of Spirit is balanced with the masculine. So that the Spirit of Mother has a consort who we believe is Shiva. According to Hindu scripture, Shiva is a male Lord with female consort Parvati (although he may have other consorts as well). Shiva is described as the Lord who is half woman; Shiva (male) and Parvati/Shakti (female) are inseparable. Hence, Parvati may be a reference to Mother. So that the Spirit is Shiva including his divine feminine complementary half or Mother. However, ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ has been devoted to the divine feminine light of the Spirit or Mother which is the divinity that gives birth to life - and the resurrection of life.
The Spirit is associated with the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of God. Some believe that the person of the Spirit is He rather than She. However, the Spirit is He and She (Shiva + Parvati) and the fullness of their light is divine masculine and feminine. But this book has been devoted to the divine feminine for the reasons given above. (Incidentally, ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ doesn’t refer specifically to the gifts of the Spirit. This is information already provided through spiritual and religious teaching and experience.)
What is the divine feminine that comes from the light?
The divine feminine is the archetypal energy of Mother (and her goddesses) that holds the world together through the miracle of life. This is the divine feminine creative power that drives the birth and resurrection of life. This is the nurturing and healing power of the feminine. But this is a fundamental energy in the Yin and Yang of any person, so that everyone is divine because this energy is within. However, it is also within the creatures and elements of the world. So that everything that was created through this energy must be divine. This means that there is nothing that was created, and therefore has life and consciousness on some level, that is not divine – both in this world and beyond.
In other words, the divine feminine is the miraculous life-giving creative power of Spirit which is fundamental to the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the world. We have come from the light – and there we may return. This the light of our spiritual home.
What is the benefit of awakening to the light?
The light has a profound transformative effect on the soul. Our souls are made from light, so that we evolve spiritually by taking in more light. In theory, this process can be explained by understanding the impact of the light on the esoteric structure of the soul including the major chakras. Then we could understand in detail how the wellbeing of a soul effects a person and the physical. But this level of comprehension is beyond the capability of the majority of people in the world – even those on a spiritual path. We therefore need to believe and trust in the light: that it has the divinity to work for the highest good. ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ is an opportunity to receive more light from Spirit.
What is the benefit of awakening to the divine feminine?
The divine feminine refers to the supernatural energy or light of the Mother. This is the principle of the Universal Mother. This is the same energy as the divine feminine of Spirit: the light which is referred to in this book. This is also the energy of the Goddess: The Mother Goddess and Mother. This energy is fundamental to the nurturing, healing and life-giving principle of the feminine within people, animals and life. This is the fertility of the feminine which is divine. (The cult of the fertility goddess is part of pagan culture. Corn dollies were used in the pagan cultures of Europe to celebrate the cult of fertility and the feminine. In other words, there has always been a recognition of the feminine in Nature.)
In fact, the consciousness of the feminine flows through the male and female energies of a person. This is their yin and yang. So that their spiritual and physical wellbeing depends on the balance of these energies. However, balance may be improved through an expression of one’s feminine side – when this energy comes to the fore – although the masculine is also important. Although ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ is devoted to the feminine, we should not forget the masculine which is just as vital.