The current book ‘Awaken to the Light of Spirit’ is actually an introduction or taster to the story of Spirit that I am writing with my guardian angel Auriel. We are hoping to complete this story soon - when it can be published as well. This is the story of Spirit that needs to be told. But this story has evolved from an interpretation of the spiritual art that was channeling through me. I have already explained how this art has evolved - beginning with my relationship with Auriel. That’s why any events or talks related to this story, including its introduction in the current book, need to begin with the pictures and the messages that they have come to reveal. Then others will be able to see the divinity in these pictures as well.
The pictures reveal so much. They reveal the role of Spirit that breathes light and consciousness into all living things. This is the breath of life from Spirit. This is the light which has resurrected me into this work. My life has been transformed by the light and I am grateful – more than I can say. Now, I am writing about what I have discovered in these pictures - including an expression of the Spirit and the light. So that my current book is part of this work.
So, what are these events likely to be? I am currently considering a series of talks and workshops when I will display the evidence of these pictures. Initially, this is likely to be within the UK which is where I live. There are many practical considerations when displaying the pictures in their physical form. However, the publications that I am planning, which include the present book, will meet a need for the pictures to be more widely available – even in an electronic e-book format. It’s also possible to make this evidence available over the Internet and various electronic media.