Awaken to the Light of Spirit

Awaken to the Light of Spirit

A Book of Devotion to the Divine Mother

Product information

February 28th 2023

THIS BOOK PROVIDES A PATHWAY TO THE LIGHT. The light is the invisible and supernatural energy of Spirit. The Spirit is an angel or deity that came from the Godhead with the light. So that we could reach the light as we develop spiritually and many would reach enlightenment. However, the primary focus of this book is the divine feminine of Spirit also known as the Mother. So, this book is devoted to the Mother and Spirit including the transformation that comes from the sacred feminine. The light is the breath of life and the life-force of Creation.

A REVELATION OF SPIRIT AND LIGHT may be experienced by attuning to the spirit art pictures in this book. These images have been channeled from the spiritual realm by the visionary known as ‘Jerrold’ and his guardian angel ‘Auriel’. Although this revelation may be revealed by simply viewing the pictures, a recommended approach is to meditate on these images while listening to spiritual music. The goal is to find music that resonates with the pictures and unlocks the revelation. This book explains this method and provides a music playlist that kick-starts this process. (But any meditation which is used to unlock this revelation should follow a recognized discipline, and this may be dictated by faith and belief.)

HOWEVER, PLEASE DON’T WORRY if this revelation isn’t revealed or obvious using this method. Whatever the outcome, it may still be possible to gain some spiritual insight from these images through patience and perseverance. People have different experiences and this is perfectly normal. There are many ways to the light and this book is one. Whatever happens in practice, this book can still be enjoyed for the beauty of its art. It can also be used as a handbook on a spiritual path.

(IN OTHER WORDS, ART AND MUSIC can be combined to open a doorway to the light. This is a space within the heart and soul that receives the love of Spirit which is the basis of light. This door may be likened to a sun-gate because the light of Spirit comes from the sun. But this is a higher sun which is the home of Spirit. So that comfort comes from the love of Spirit that feels like the light of the sun. Spirit is also the advocate, because the light of Spirit is an agent of Creative Will.)



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Available formats

  • Paperback
  • eBook


  • ISBN: 9781803135632
  • eISBN: 9781803134536