Awaken to the Light of Spirit

Awaken to the Light of Spirit

A Book of Devotion to the Divine Mother

Product information

February 28th 2023

This book is devoted to the Divine Mother and Spirit. Mother is the supreme goddess and Spirit of life. Spirit is the divine feminine of the primal Creator. This book can be used for healing by meditating on Mother and her sacred story. This is a message of peace and love.

Welcome to the light of Spirit.

Many people talk about the light without realizing what it is. But the light is a universal phenomenon which has a profound and vital impact on our lives. This is a divine energy that floods the world with life and spiritual truth. This is an energy of love, peace and compassion. This light is everywhere and available to all. Many can sense the light – although they not see it through normal physical vision. According to one particular definition: “this is the light that illuminates the darkness and transcends the boundaries of faith and belief”. According to this perspective, everyone is equal before the light.

But where does this energy called light actually come from?  It comes from the Godhead or Source through His Spirit. That’s why this energy is known as the light of Spirit. However, it is not always appreciated that the Spirit is a person and not just an energy. The Spirit is an angel of the Godhead that came with the light. This light is divine and capable of completely transforming our lives on a soul and spiritual level. It also has a profound impact on daily life. The gifts of the Spirit that come through the light have been extensively reviewed in spiritual and religious literature. These gifts range from love, compassion and forgiveness to the performance of miracles. Twelve specific gifts of the Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. So that the divine power that comes from the Spirit is transmitted through the light. When a person lives in the grace of the Spirit, they are guided by the power of this light.

There have always been seekers of truth, but the quest for spiritual knowledge has a renewed urgency in these uncertain times. An enormous amount of truth is available in the light including the miracle of life. For life is created by light and life is truth. But this is the divine feminine of this light which is the universal principle of the Mother that gives birth to life and souls. This book is focused on the divine feminine of this energy which comes from the universal Mother of the Spirit; this is the Divine Mother. So that when a person awakens to this light, their soul is transformed by Mother and they are truly alive.

This book provides a process for attuning to the light of Spirit – particularly the divine feminine. This can be done by meditating on the pictures in this book while listening to spiritual music. In other words, art and music are combined in an awakening to this energy. However, any meditation should be undertaken seriously - preferably as a spiritual discipline - so that whatever is experienced is grounded in reality and not one’s imagination. Although it’s possible to have a revelation of the light of Spirit using this method, this is not guaranteed for everyone. Whatever one experiences, the pictures can still be enjoyed.

This book is relevant to people on a spiritual path seeking a connection with the light. It may therefore appeal to light-workers and seekers of enlightenment. It may also appeal to people on a path of self-improvement and seeking spiritual wellbeing. This book has a role in raising the general awareness of light. Whatever one experiences with this book, it can still be enjoyed for the beauty of its art.